Injectables & Fillers

Botox Treatment


Our In- House Professionals, have knowledge of facial anatomy, that allows them to deliver safe, precise rejuvenating results.

We will assess your muscle structure and discuss desired results before confirming treatment plans and prices.


A wrinkle relaxing treatment that is perfect for anyone who has had changes to facial fat volume, muscle hyperactivity, and bone changes that happen to you when you age.

As you age, you accumulate UV exposure due to time spent in the sun, and along with aging your skin will reduce the Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Elastin and Collagen in your skin. This in turn makes it lose its firmness and elasticity, which can result in permanent lines across the upper third of your face.

These injections act by blocking and weakening the signals between the nerve and the muscles of the forehead, which will gently relax muscular hyperactivity and reduce skin folds and wrinkles associated with these specific muscles.

The main areas are;

  • Worry Lines
  • Frown Lines
  • Laugh Lines
  • Crows Feet

Prices start from £180 for one area to £250 for three areas, but it will depend on the dose needed.

Effects will depend on the dose administered and also the strength of the muscle. Most clients may require a booster treatment at 3-4 months, but some clients may have results lasting up to 6 months.

Dermal Fillers

For subtle, long lasting and natural results, these injections are used to replace volume, or to alter the structure of the dermis (this is the layer of the skin responsible for the texture, plumpness and elasticity).

Our In-House Doctor uses HA (Hyaluronic Acid) Fillers, as these are naturally present in the skin which is proven to be safe and reversible. All fillers have been premixed with local anesthesia, to reduce the pain our patients feel, especially as we combine it with a pre-application of numbing cream.

HA Fillers are used either to volumise areas of the face such as Cheek or Chin Augmentation, or to fill lines, using either Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Ultra, or Juvederm Volift.

Main Areas fillers are used;

  • Frown Lines
  • Tear Troughs
  • Nose to Mouth Lines
  • Marionette Lines
  • Lip Fillers

Lip Fillers

We prefer to use Juvederm Ultra 3 or Volift for filling the lip as this gives you the best mix of plumping and definition without making the lips pouty and artificial looking. We also deliver this using the Cannula Technique as it reduces the pain and bruising, while also lowering the risk.

Due to the nature of lips, and the slow breakdown of HA (Hyaluronic Acid), the effects of lip fillers will generally last for 4- 6 months before needing a top up.

Prices start from £250.

Nose and Jaw Reconstruction

Our In-House Doctor uses Dermal Fillers to effectively correct volume and alignment issues with the nose, which has revolutionised the field of Rhinoplasty.

By using HA (Hyaluronic Acid) fillers such Restylane Perlane, Restylane Lyft, Juvederm Ultra 3, Juverderm Volift and Juverderm Voluma, it allows us to correct any minor bumps on the nose. It can also be used to raise the bridge of the nose to give it a straighter appearance, or even by reduce nostril flare.

Results can last from anywhere between 8 to 18 months before a top up is required.

Unlike the need for downtime after surgical rhinoplasty, the results of non-surgical nose jobs will be instantaneous.

Average prices range from £300 – £600 depending on the filler used.

For treatment plans and prices, please book a consultation today!

*T&C’s Apply

For more treatments that give you a natural look, why not check out our Anti-aging Treatments, to find out more click here!

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Consultations are £25, and this is redeemable against any treatments or products purchased.