Electrolysis & Sterex Diathermy Cardiff

Hair Removal Treatment


Our Electrolysis treatment is a blend method consisting of Galvanic Currents and Short Wave Diathermy (SWD, also known as Thermolysis). This benefits from the greater effectiveness of the galvanic method and the warmth produced by SWD.

This is treatment can be used to remove individual hairs from the face and body, by inserting a fine probe into the hair follicle. The heat (Thermolysis) will then destroy the root, allowing us to remove the hair with tweezers.

This is a permanent method of removing hair and is recommended for light or white coloured hairs.

It can be considered more painful than laser hair removal, but generally more comfortable and more effective for clients than just Short Wave Diathermy.

You may require more sessions, but is a cheaper option compared to Laser Hair Removal.

For more information on Soprano Titanium Laser Hair Removal, please click here!

Average 9+ treatments for Thermolysis (Electrolysis). 

Prices Start from £35 for a 10 – 15 minutes appointment.

Vein, Milia & Blood Spot Removal​

Short wave Diathermy (also known as electro-coagulation) is a very effective way to remove thread veins and spider veins.

A very fine Gold needle is used to prick the skin and then an electrical current is passed through the vein which is heated and cauterized. Over the course of a few weeks, the vein withers and disperses and becomes much less noticeable. 

After treatment there maybe some downtime associated with this treatment, where your skin may be red, more sensitive in areas but this will settle in a few hours. The healing process then starts and the final results will be apparent 4 to 6 weeks after treatment.

The success rate for short wave diathermy to facial spider veins and thread veins is 95%.

This is the same method used to treat Milia and Blood Spots.

We also offer Laser Treatments for Blood Spots and Face Vein Removal, so why not book a consultation today to find the best suited treatment for your concern.

Prices start from £120 per Treatment.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis


This s a less well-known type of wart which is the exception to the rule and is not contagious. It is normally associated with ageing, and can be caused by genetics or too much exposure to the sun over a long period.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis has a dry texture, is heavily pigmented and appears as though is has been ‘stuck on’ to the skin.

You will need 2-3 treatments on average.

Prices start from £120 per treatment.

Book a Consultation Today!

Consultations are £25, and this is redeemable against any treatments or products purchased.