Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all our wonderful customers, please be aware the store will be closed until the 6th of January, have a lovely holiday.

This week we are talking about anti-aging and the science behind it, as most people just look at the surface, at how the skin can get looser and droop, but it can affect things like pore size, lines and wrinkles, and general elasticity of the skin (which may show softness around the eyes), but it could be something to do with your muscles.

A stressful/ tiresome week, a change in hormones, and even a change in lifestyle can make these concerns show more than usual. For example, drinking alcohol can make these concerns seem worse due to a lack of water, making the skin more dehydrated. So just knowing what things you can do to negate these affects, can make such a difference.

There are a variety of treatments that can help with anti-aging, and one our favourites in Clinic is our Clear Lift Hollywood Facial, as this will help promote the elastin and collagen with in our skin to help with the colour, texture and tone of your skin, leaving it feel more hydrated. We recommend 3 treatments to start seeing a reduction/ improvement, but on average you will need 6 – 9 treatments, with top up sessions every 6 months to a year to maintain results.

We have a brand NEW technology in clinic called EM Face® that can help maintain your results by working on the muscle structure to tighten and lift the skin. This is breakthrough technology that uses HIFES Electromagnetic technology alongside Radio Frequency to give you ‘Less Wrinkles and More Lift’. This treatment you will need to commit to 4 treatments, having 1 every 5 – 10 days, and results can take up to 3 months to fully show.


We also have treatments to help with things such as Veins and Pigment, as these are all part of the ageing process.

One of the main cause of ageing can be sun damage, and we recommend each client to be wear an Sun Protection SPF30+ everyday, topping it up every 2 – 4 hours to reduce the chance of damage. It is big misconception is that Sun Protection only needs to be worn when sunny, but UV Rays still penetrate the clouds on even the darkest of days. 

What you also may not realise is as this generation spends more time on devices such as TV’s, Pc’s, Laptops and Mobile Phones, these actually produce UV Light, which in turn can affect your skin, so by wearing SPF30+ and also selecting to turn on your ‘Blue Light Filter’ on these devices can reduce the damage caused.

These both can be teamed up with one of our Clinical Products from our DiBi Milano Range, which will be selected to your skin needs and will work deeper in the skin, down to the 5th layer to ensure It treats the full concern and not just the surface layer of the skin like most high street products. This will ensure your skin stays hydrated and has the nutrients and nourishment to maintain the structure of the skin.

We treat Men, Women and Transgenders, so although everyone’s skin needs are different, we all need to maintain results, as unfortunately we can not stop the ageing process. This is a journey and a process, so we will work with you to let you know the science behind treatments and will be honest and open with you to make recommendations, to allow you to make the right choice for you and your skin. This may have to be reviewed after 3 months, as our bodies constantly change and tweaks may need to be made.

To find out more, check out our Anti-aging Page.